IROS 2019 VINS Workshop 정리
- Stergios Roumeliotis (UMN): A Short Tutorial on VINS (slides)
- Davide Scaramuzza (Zurich): Visual Inertial SLAM: Current Status and the Road Ahead (slides)
- Laurent Kneip (Shanghai Tech): Dimensionality reduction in visual-inertial SLAM (slides)
- Maurice Fallon (Oxford): VILENS - the Challenge of Visual Navigation on Quadruped Robots (slides)
- Luca Carlone (MIT): Chasing a Chimera: from VIN to real-time high-level understanding (slides)
- Guofeng Zhang (ZJU): Robust VI-SLAM and HD-Map Reconstruction for Location-based Augmented Reality (slides)
- Giuseppe Loianno (NYU): Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Inertial Navigation of Aerial Robots (slides)
- Paloma Sodhi / Michael Kaess (CMU): Robust Multi-Stereo Visual-Inertial Odometry (slides)
- Ross Hartley (Amazon): Contact-aided Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Legged Robot State Estimation (slides)