EE3564A/B - Convex Optimization - Stephen Boyd 강의 레퍼런스 (Stanford)
강의 링크
렉처 노트 링크, 렉처 노트 링크2
책 링크
강의 소개
2008년 가을 학기에 진행된 ES3564A/B Convex Optimization 렉처이다.
Convex Optimization 분야의 바이블인 Stephen Boyd의 수업이다.
- Convex sets
- Convex functions
- Convex optimization problems
- Duality
- Approximation and fitting
- Statistical estimation
- Geometric problems
- Numerical linear algebra background
- Unconstrained minimization
- Equality constrained minimization
- Interior-point methods
- Subgradient methods
- Localization methods
- Decomposition and distributed optimization
- Proximal and operator splitting methods
- Self-concordance and Interior Point Method
- Conjugate gradients
- Non-convex problems
- Neural Networks