100 SLAM-related technical interview questions
There are 4 sections - General, LiDAR SLAM, Visual SLAM, System design, Coding interview questions (Live / implementation). Each section has 10-25 questions - there many be a number of follow-up questions or questions with different approaches. The questions range from beginner to expert level, though not in any specific order.
- What are the different ways to represent rotations in 3D space?
- Discuss the differences between the SO(3) matrix, Quaternion, Axis-angle, and Euler angle representations.
- What problems does gimbal lock pose in the expression of 3D rotations?
- What mathematical constraints are applicable to SO(3) matrices?
- Describe the structure of the SE(3) matrix.
- What is the significance of the bottom row ([0,0,0,1]) in the SE(3) matrix?
- What sensors are suitable for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)?
- Compare tightly-coupled fusion and loosely-coupled fusion in this context.
- Why is non-linear optimization used in SLAM?
- Where do we encounter non-linearity in Visual-SLAM?
- Where is non-linearity found in LiDAR SLAM?
- What optimization methods are applicable for non-linear optimization in SLAM?
- Compare gradient descent, Newton-Raphson, Gauss-Newton, and Levenberg-Marquardt methods.
- What is the trust-region method?
- What is loop closure and how is it achieved in SLAM?
- Define and differentiate the motion model and observation model in SLAM.
- What is RANSAC?
- Explain the concept of a robust kernel (or M-estimator).
- Discuss the Kalman filter and particle filter.
- Highlight the differences between the Kalman filter (KF) and the Extended Kalman filter (EKF).
- Contrast filter-based SLAM with graph-based SLAM.
- Define the information matrix and covariance matrix in the context of SLAM.
- What is the Schur complement?
- Compare LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, and Eigenvalue decomposition.
- Which methods are commonly used in SLAM and why?
- Why is least squares optimization favored?
- Explain how Maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) are applied in SLAM.
- What representations are used to describe a map or structure in SLAM?
- Which map representation would you choose for path planning and why?
- Distinguish between sparse mapping and dense mapping.
- Explain the concepts of Lie groups and Lie algebra.
- What are the Exp/Log maps?
- How can multiple maps be merged into a single map in SLAM?
- What is Inverse Depth Parameterization?
- Describe pose graph optimization in SLAM.
- Define drift in SLAM.
- What is scale drift?
- How can computational costs be reduced in SLAM?
- What is keyframe-based optimization?
- Why is a Look-Up Table (LUT) considered an effective strategy?
- What is relocalization in SLAM?
- How does relocalization differ from loop closure detection?
- What does marginalization entail in the context of SLAM?
- Explain the concept of IMU pre-integration in SLAM.
- Explain how the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm functions.
- Which derivative work of the ICP algorithm do you prefer and why?
- Discuss the Point-to-Point and Point-to-Plane metrics in the context of the ICP algorithm.
- If an ICP algorithm fails to register two sets of point clouds, what could be the possible reasons?
- Explain the concept of a K-D tree.
- How is the K-D tree utilized in processing LiDAR point clouds?
- Describe the Octree data structure.
- In which scenarios would you use a K-D tree over an Octree for LiDAR point cloud processing, and vice versa?
- What is point cloud downsampling and why is it used?
- Describe the voxelization process.
- What are the consequences of excessive downsampling?
- How is ground segmentation performed in point clouds?
- What is the mathematical formulation of a 3D plane?
- What is a passthrough filter?
- What preprocessing techniques are available for removing outliers from LiDAR point clouds?
- How does the Statistical Outlier Removal (SOR) filter work?
- Why is initial alignment crucial in ICP?
- Besides x, y, and z coordinates, what additional information can be embedded in a point cloud?
- What advantages are gained by integrating LiDAR with an IMU?
- How is loop detection performed using LiDAR point clouds?
- If a loop is detected, how should loop closure optimization be carried out?
- How does loop closure in LiDAR SLAM differ from the bundle-adjustment technique in Visual SLAM?
- Why does z-drift often occur in LiDAR SLAM optimization using the ground plane?
- What is LiDAR de-skewing?
- What challenges arise in LiDAR SLAM when there are moving objects in the vicinity?
- What is the Multi-path problem in LiDAR?
- In what types of environments does LiDAR typically underperform?
- What are the different types of LiDAR?
- What are various methods for combining data from a camera and LiDAR?
- Contrast a point cloud, mesh, and surfel.
- What is a Fast Point Feature Histogram (FPFH) descriptor?
- What methods are available for detecting changes in a point cloud
Visual SLAM
- Explain the process of image projection.
- What are intrinsic and extrinsic matrices?
- Which formula is used to estimate depth from a single-view image?
- What does camera calibration entail and what information is gained from it?
- Provide the formulas for the K matrix and the Distortion coefficient.
- Describe the characteristics of Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D SLAM, along with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
- How is the depth map generated in RGB-D?
- How is the depth map generated in Stereo?
- Explain the concept of stereo disparity.
- Is there any way to restore scale in monocular VSLAM?
- Explain bundle adjustment.
- What are the differences between local and global bundle adjustments?
- What are the Essential and Fundamental matrices?
- Write down the formulas for the Essential and Fundamental matrices.
- How many degrees of freedom do the Essential and Fundamental matrices have?
- What is the 5/7/8-point algorithm?
- What is the Homography matrix?
- Describe the camera models you are familiar with.
- Explain the process of local feature matching.
- What are the differences between a keypoint and a descriptor?
- How does a feature in deep learning differ from a feature in SLAM?
- What strategies are effective for accurate feature matching?
- Explain how local feature tracking is performed.
- What can serve as a motion model?
- What methods can be used for optical flow?
- Describe template tracking.
- How does optical flow differ from direct tracking?
- Explain the features and differences between PTAM, ORB-SLAM, and SVO.
- What are the differences between Visual Odometry, Visual-SLAM, and Structure-from-Motion (SfM)?
- Why isn’t SIFT used in real-time VSLAM?
- What are some alternatives to SIFT?
- What are the benefits of using deep learning-based local feature detection?
- What is reprojection error?
- What is photometric error?
- What is the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem?
- How do you determine the camera’s pose when there is a 2D-3D correspondence?
- What are the differences between Feature-based VSLAM and Direct VSLAM?
- What methods are effective in reducing blur in an image?
- What is a co-visibility graph?
- How is loop closure detection performed?
- Describe the Bag-of-Visual-Words and VLADs.
- How is a Bag-of-Visual-Words created?
- Explain TF-IDF.
- What distinguishes a floating-point descriptor from a binary descriptor?
- How can the distance between feature descriptors be calculated?
- What defines a good local feature?
- What is meant by invariance?
- How is image patch similarity determined?
- Compare SSD, SAD, and NCC.
- Explain Direct Linear Transform (DLT).
- Describe the Image Pyramid.
- Outline the methods for line/edge extraction.
- Explain Triangulation.
System design
- You have a mobile robot system with four cameras mounted on the front, back, and sides. Design a system that can use it for indoor mapping, localization, and path planning.
- Design a kiosk robot that can be used in an amusement park.
- Design a mapping/positioning system for parking in a garage (common in the US and Europe).
- Design a mapping/localization system for a parking garage.
- Design an augmented reality device for use on a moving Ferris wheel.
- Design an augmented reality device for a crowded subway station.
- Design a robust positioning system for an unmanned forklift to be used in a logistics facility. There are multiple forklifts moving around, and people are present.
- Design a SLAM system for a mobile robot to be used in a factory. There is constant lighting, but the floor is coated and highly reflective, and the factory equipment is made of metal and has few visual features and is highly reflective.
- You have 10 TB of real-world data. What development pipeline would you create to make SLAM work in as many environments as possible?
- Design a crowdsourced, automated HD-Map creation system for autonomous driving.
Coding interview questions (Live / implementation)
- Implement an image stitcher to create a panorama image from multiple consecutive images.
- Implement LiDAR SLAM using G-ICP based odometry. Loop closure should be implemented.
- Implement FAST keypoint detector.
- Implement an algorithm to find the camera pose, given 2D-3D correspondence data.
- Implement the PROSAC framework.
- Implement the ICP algorithm.
- Implement a brute-force matcher given a set of 2 pairs of feature descriptors.
- Implement a Vector / Matrix container. Basic operators should work (e.g. matrix-matrix addition, matrix-matrix multiplication, matrix-vector multiplication).
- Implement the A* algorithm
- Implement a fast matrix multiplication algorithm.
- (Live) Two Sum problem
- (Live) Maximum subarray sum problem
- (Live) Product of array except self problem
- (Live) Subarray sum equals k problem
- (Live) Longest common sequence problem