Missing Semesters (2020) 2강 Shell Tools and Scripting



  • foo=bar to assign a variable
  • echo $foo to access and print the variable
  • Spaces are important - we separate arguments with spaces.
    • i.e. foo = bar does not work.
  • Strings?
    • echo "Hello" and echo 'World'
    • The difference in double quotes and single quotes are…
      • echo "Value is $foo" prints ‘Value is bar’
      • echo 'Value is $foo' prints ‘Value is $foo’



  • We can make funcions by .sh files.
    • e.g. Inside the mcd.sh file, we have…
mcd() {
mkdir -p "$1"
cd "$1"
  • This function is like mv + cd.
  • $1 is a special variable, similar to argv.
    • It means the first argument.
    • Similarily, $2, $3… they will be second and third arguments, up to 9th.
    • $0 is reserved for the name of the script.
  • We can use source mcd.sh to load the function into the shell.
    • We can now use mcd test command to create a directory called test and move into it.


Special commands

  • !! gives the last command given to the shell.
    • If I used mkdir ~/Downloads/folder1 in the previous comment, I can then use sudo !! to represent sudo mkdir ~/Downloads/folder1.
  • $_ gives the last argument from the previous command… like below.
rmdir test
mkdir $_
cd $_


Using error codes

  • $? gives the error code from the previous command.
    • echo "Hello", then echo $? will print 0, since there is no error (i.e. error code 0).
    • grep foobar mdc.sh, then echo $? will print 1. This is because there is no string ‘foobar’ in the mcd.sh, so the error code 1 is given.
    • true, then echo $? will always have error code 0.
    • false, then echo $? will always have error code 1.
    • We can use this like false || echo "Oops fail". Bash will run the first command, and if it fails, then we will run the second command.
      • i.e. true || echo "This will not be printed".
    • We can also use this true && echo "This works well". Bash will run the first command, and if it suceeds, then we will run the second command.
  • We can use ; to run two functions and concatenate the results too.
    • e.g. false ; echo "This will print anyways".


Using functions and variables together

  • foo=$(pwd) will store the results of pwd into foo.
    • We can access it by echo $foo
    • We can also use it like echo "We are in $(pwd)"
  • We can concatenate the outputs of two functions like
    • cat <(ls) <(ls ..).
    • We execute the function, and then get the output as a temporary file to feed into the function next to it.


Example function


echo "Staring program at $(date)" # Date will be substituted

echo "Running program $0 with $# arguments with pid $$"

for file in "$@"; do
grep foobar "$file" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
# When pattern is not found, grep has exit status 1
# We redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a null register since we do not care about them

,if [[ :$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "File $file does not have any foobar, adding one"
echo "# foobar" >> "$file"

  • date is a built-in bash function.
  • $0 is the name of the script we are running
  • $# is the number of arguments we are giving to this program.
  • $$ is the process ID of this command.
  • $@ puts all the arguments.
    • If we do not know how many arguments are there (2, $3…), then we can use $@ to put all the arguments.
  • In a for loop, we make the arguments into file variable. (i.e. We are running a loop over every argument given. Maybe the arguments are file names)
  • grep foobar "$file" means we are going to try to find ‘foobar’ in the file (i.e. arguments)
  • > is sending the output of a program to a file.
  • /dev/null is a special space in UNIX that gets discarded regardless of how much we put it in.
  • 2> is sending the STDERR of a program to a file.
  • $? gives the error code of the previous command.
  • -ne is a comparison operator of ‘not equal’. (Similar to !=)
  • "$?" -ne 0 will try to see if the error code is 0 (i.e. foobar was not found)
    • Then, it will copy a comment of # foobar into the file.
  • fi is maybe the end of if statement?
  • done is maybe the end of the script?



  • *.sh Globbing all files with the same extension ‘.sh’.
  • Say there are ‘project1’, ‘project2’, ‘project42’ in the directory.
    • Using ls project? will give ‘project1’ and ‘project2’ as it only suggests possibilities with 1 single character.
  • Curly braces are power tools.
    • When running convert image.webp image.jpg, we can do it as convert image.{webp, jpg}
    • touch foo{,1,2,10} will mean touch foo, foo1, foo2, foo10.
    • touch project{1,2}/src/test/test{1,2,3}.py will be very useful in automation.
    • mkrdir foo bar, then touch {foo,bar}/{a...j} will be useful as well.


Shell tricks - Python

import sys
for arg in reversed(sys.argv[1:]):
  • The first line #!/usr/local/bin/python will allow the user to run the script like ./scripy.py a1 a2 a3 instead of the normal way python3 ./script.py a1 a2 a3.
    • The downside of this method is that different environments might have different directories of saving python.
    • So in this case, #!/usr/bin/env python is actually more useful.


Debugging shells

  • shellcheck example.sh.



  • find . -name src -type d will recursively go through the current directory to find a directory called ‘src’.
  • find . -path '**/test/*.py' -type f will recursively go through the current directory to find a python file under the test folder.
  • find . -mtime -1 will find the files that has been ‘modified’(i.e. m-times) by 1 time.
  • find . -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \; will find all the files with ‘.tmp’ extension and remove them.
    • On the shell, it will look like nothing happened, but when you check with echo $?, you will find that it had exit code 0.



  • locate some_string will do something similar to find.
    • However, locate is much faster as it searches through the index that the UNIX system built already (it is very similar to database approach), so it’s much faster than brute-force search method of ‘find’.
  • updatedb command will update this database.



  • grep foobar example.sh will search for the contents of the file.
    • This is different from ‘find’ or ‘locate’, as these are for directories.
  • grep -R foobar . will recursively search for the string amongst all of the files in the directory.


rg - ripgrep

  • ripgrep is an installed package - sudo apt install ripgrep
    • Just a better alternative to ‘grep’, as it has colour coding, unicode supports, fast recursive search with respect to gitignore etc.
  • rg "import requests" -t py -C 5 ~/scratch will find all the python files that uses ‘import reuqests’.
  • rg -u --files-without-match "^#\!" -t sh
    • -u means don’t ignore hidden files
    • --files-without-match means I want to print the files that do NOT match with the pattern. (This is quite hard with grep)
    • "^#\!" is a regex saying that the beginning of a line has a ‘#’ and ‘!’.


Searching command history

  • history will print the recent commands
  • history 1 will print all the commands from the beginning of the time.
  • history 1 | grep convert will print the times when we used ‘convert’ function.


  • tree builds a directory tree easily