ICRA 2021 튜토리얼 / 워크샵 리스트
Workshops / Tutorials
- Digital Twins for Robots in Industrial Applications
- Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing
- 9:00 GMT-04
- Perception and Action in Dynamic Environments
- Robust Perception For Autonomous Field Robots in Challenging Environments
- Davide Scaramuzza - Robust Perception For Cars And Drones
- CJ Taylor - UPSLAM : Union of Panoramas SLAM
- Sebastian Scherer - Robust Navigation with Visual and Thermal Sensors in Degraded Visual Environments
- Jeanette Bohg - Detect, Reject, Correct: Cross-modal Compensation of Corrupted Sensors
- Claire Tomlin - Learning-Based Waypoint Navigation: a Viewpoint on Perception, Planning, and Control
- Larry Matthies - Terrain-relative navigation for guided descent on Titan
- Sanjiv Singh - Perceptual robustness to obscurants and the world itself
- Tim Barfoot - Dark, Damp, and Dynamic: Recent Progress on Robotic Localization in Challenging Environments
- 9:00 GMT-04
- Workshop on Visual-Inertial Navigation Systems
- 9:00 GMT-04
- Resilient and Long-Term Autonomy for Aerial Robotic Systems
- 8:00 GMT-04
- Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial SLAM Tightly Coupled with Raw GNSS Measurements
- LiTAMIN2: Ultra Light LiDAR-Based SLAM Using Geometric Approximation Applied with KL-Divergence
- Compositional and Scalable Object SLAM
- Visual Place Recognition Via Local Affine Preserving Matching
- Towards Real-Time Semantic RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments
- Voxelized GICP for Fast and Accurate 3D Point Cloud Registration
- Markov Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Probabilistic SLAM
- Avoiding Degeneracy for Monocular Visual SLAM with Point and Line Features
- TT-SLAM: Dense Monocular SLAM for Planar Environments
- OV2SLAM : A Fully Online and Versatile Visual SLAM for Real-Time Applications
- DOT: Dynamic Object Tracking for Visual SLAM
- DefSLAM: Tracking and Mapping of Deforming Scenes from Monocular Sequences (I)
- An Equivariant Filter for Visual Inertial Odometry
- Run Your Visual-Inertial Odometry on NVIDIA Jetson: Benchmark Tests on a Micro Aerial Vehicle
- Simple but Effective Redundant Odometry for Autonomous Vehicles
- Revisiting Visual-Inertial Structure-From-Motion for Odometry and SLAM Initialization
- RigidFusion: Robot Localisation and Mapping in Environments with Large Dynamic Rigid Objects
- Tight Integration of Feature-Based Relocalization in Monocular Direct Visual Odometry
- Adaptive Robust Kernels for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems
- A Front-End for Dense Monocular SLAM Using a Learned Outlier Mask Prior
- HyperMap: Compressed 3D Map for Monocular Camera Registration
- Robust Skin-Feature Tracking in Free-Hand Video from Smartphone or Robot-Held Camera, to Enable Clinical-Tool Localization and Guidance
- VOLDOR-SLAM: For the Times When Feature-Based or Direct Methods Are Not Good Enough
- ROBIN: A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Reject Outliers in Robust Estimation Using Invariants
- Kimera-Multi: A System for Distributed Multi-Robot Metric-Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Semantic SLAM with Autonomous Object-Level Data Association
- Semantic and Geometric Modeling with Neural Message Passing in 3D Scene Graphs for Hierarchical Mechanical Search
- Structure Reconstruction Using Ray-Point-Ray Features: Representation and Camera Pose Estimation
- Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR
- BALM: Bundle Adjustment for Lidar Mapping
- Tactile SLAM: Real-Time Inference of Shape and Pose from Planar Pushing
- SD-DefSLAM: Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM for Deformable and Intracorporeal Scenes
- Direct Sparse Mapping (I)
- Simultaneous Multi-Level Descriptor Learning and Semantic Segmentation for Domain-Specific Relocalization
- Pose Estimation for Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Via Horizontal and Vertical Planes
- Lightweight Semantic Mesh Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles
- A Complete, Accurate and Efficient Solution for the Perspective-N-Line Problem
- Accelerating Robot Dynamics Gradients on a CPU, GPU, and FPGA
- Robust Place Recognition Using an Imaging Lidar
- A Switching-Coupled Backend for Simultaneous Localization and Dynamic Object Tracking
- SLAAM: Simultaneous Localization and Additive Manufacturing (I)
- Asynchronous Multi-View SLAM
- LVI-SAM: Tightly-Coupled Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry Via Smoothing and Mapping
- Distributed Client-Server Optimization for SLAM with Limited On-Device Resources
- IMU Data Processing for Inertial Aided Navigation: A Recurrent Neural Network Based Approach
- Robust Semantic Map Matching Algorithm Based on Probabilistic Registration Model
- Accurate and Robust Scale Recovery for Monocular Visual Odometry Based on Plane Geometry
- Greedy-Based Feature Selection for Efficient LiDAR SLAM
- Road Mapping and Localization Using Sparse Semantic Visual Features
- RoadMap: A Light-Weight Semantic Map for Visual Localization towards Autonomous Driving
- Visual Semantic Localization Based on HD Map for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Scenarios
- Hybrid Bird’s-Eye Edge Based Semantic Visual SLAM for Automated Valet Parking
- CamVox: A Low-Cost and Accurate Lidar-Assisted Visual SLAM System
- PSF-LO: Parameterized Semantic Features Based Lidar Odometry
- PicoVO: A Lightweight RGB-D Visual Odometry Targeting Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
- CodeVIO: Visual-Inertial Odometry with Learned Optimizable Dense Depth
- Deep Online Correction for Monocular Visual Odometry
- Robust Improvement in 3D Object Landmark Inference for Semantic Mapping
- YOLOStereo3D: A Step Back to 2D for Efficient Stereo 3D Detection