CVPR 2021 튜토리얼 / 워크샵 리스트
- Vision Meets Mapping 3 (VMM3) – Computer Vision for Location-based Reasoning and Mapping
- 19일 10:50PM - 7:00AM
- Autonomous Driving: Perception Prediction and Planning
- 19일 11:00PM - 7:00AM
- New frontiers in data-driven autonomous driving
- 19일 11:00PM - 3:00AM
- Normalization Techniques in Deep Learning: Methods, Analyses, and Applications
- 19일 11:00PM - 3:00AM
- Workshop on Event-based Vision
- DynaVis: The 3rd International Workshop on Dynamic Scene Reconstruction
- 20일 0:30AM - 4:00AM
- 3D Scene Understanding for Vision, Graphics, and Robotics
- 20일 4:00AM - 8:00AM
- Computational Cameras and Displays
- 20일 10:40PM - 7:30AM
- Leave Those Nets Alone: Advances in Self-Supervised Learning
- 20일 11:00PM - 3:30AM
- Workshop on Autonomous Driving
- 20일 11:50PM - 8:30AM
- [All About Self-Driving]
- Part1
- Part2
- 21일 0:45AM - 10:00AM
- Cross-view and Cross-modal Visual Geo-Localization
- 21일 3:00AM - 7:00AM
- ScanNet Indoor Secene Understanding Challenge
- 21일 0:50AM - 4:30AM
- Interpretable Machine Learning for Computer Vision
- Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4
- 21일 3:00AM - 4:00AM
- Visual Odometry & Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues
- 21일 3:00AM - 7:00AM
- Image Matching Workshop: Local Features and Beyond
- 25일 10:00AM - 1:00AM
- Learning to Generate 3D Shapes and Scenes
- 25일 11:00PM - 3:00AM
- Omnidirectional Computer Vision
- 25일 10:00PM - 7:00AM
- Frontiers of monocular 3D perception
- 26일 12:00AM - 4:00AM
- Swin Transformer and 5 reasons to use Transformer and attention in computer vision